We recommend that all prospective kitchen clients begin by contacting us to schedule a tour of the kitchen. We'll be happy to show you around and explain how everything works. Click here to view our rates. If you've previously checked out the facility and are ready to sign up, follow the three, simple steps below to get started cooking with us. Click here to get copies of our application and other operating documents.
Step 1.
Submit an application.
A Kitchen Client Application complete with the $40 application fee should be submitted to the kitchen manager. The manager will notify you when your application has been approved.
Then, it's on to Step 2!
Step 2.
Submit the following items to the kitchen manager:
--Signed Kitchen Client Agreement
--Copy of food safety manager certificate*
--Proof of insurance ($1,000,000 liability with Delaware Kitchen Share as 'additional insured')
--DHSS Conditional Employee/Food Employee Reporting Agreement*
--Security Deposit
--Monthly Rental Fee
*Not required for One-time or Personal users
(Note: Effective April 1, 2016, the Delaware Food Code requires that the person in charge of a food business be certified through an accredited food protection manager certification program (click here for a list of approved training courses/providers).
Step 3.
Meet with the kitchen manager to reserve your time in the kitchen.
Be sure to retain a copy of the following documents for future reference.
--Copy of signed Kitchen Client Agreement
--Rate Schedule
--Policies and Procedures Manual
--Equipment List
--Statement of Opening Charges
Welcome to Delaware Kitchen Share! We look forward to working with you.